Sunday, December 2, 2007

Schedule for 1-on-1 Meetings re: Essay Proposals

Here is the schedule of meetings to discuss your Essay Proposals. Please show up on time. My office is in 624 S. Michigan, floor 13, office 13F. When you get out of the elevator on the 13th floor, look to the left. You will see Suite 1300. Go inside that suite of offices, mine is office "F."

Monday, 3 December 07

11:45: Josh

12 noon: Gunnar

1:00 pm: Nikko

1:15 pm: Tom

1:30 pm: Shane

2:00 pm: Tim

2:15 pm: McCurry

2:30 pm: Nila

3:00 pm: Claire

Tuesday, 4 December 07

12 noon: Steve Madonna...Yeah!

2:15 pm: Elliot

2:30 pm: Rachel

2:45 pm: Lindsey

3:00 pm: Briana

If you haven't set a time with me yet, then email me at or to do so.